The term of a patent in Turkey is 20 years from the date of an application.
The term of a utility model in Turkey is 10 years from the date of an application.
In order to get a patent grant, an invention has to be novel, has to have inventive step and industrial applicability.
In order to get a patent grant, an invention has to be novel, has to have inventive step and industrial applicability.
Yes, you could assign your patent or utility model with an assignment agreement. This agreement should be recorded before the PTO.
In order to get a registration, your design has to be novel and distinctive.
Yes. Multiple design applications covering more than one design is possible provided that the products to which the design is applied to belong to the same Locarno class and additional fees are paid for each additional design.
A registered design is initially valid for 5 years from the filing date and can be renewed for 5-year periods, up to a maximum of 25 years.
The PTO carries out novelty search and issues a search report. If it is decided that the design is not novel, the application could be refused by PTO.
Yes, you could make license agreement for your patent or utility model. This agreement should be recorded before the PTO.
It takes approximately 5-6 years to get a grant decision.
It takes approximately 2-3 years to get a grant decision.
Patent protection starts with the application however in order to use benefits of some rights before court, the certificate has to be received.
Trademark registration provides infinite protection as long as it is renewed.
The protection is territorial. A registered trademark is valid only in the country that the application filed.
Trademarks should be renewed in every 10 years calculated from the application date.
According to Industrial Property Law 6769, if, within a period of five years following the date of registration, the trademark has not been put in to a genuine use in Turkey by the trademark proprietor in connection with the goods or services in respect to which it is registered, or if such use has been suspended during an uninterrupted period of five years, the trademark shall be revoked, unless there are proper reasons for non-use.
2 months from the publication of the trademark.
The authorized Office for the new plant variety application is The Ministry of Agriculture and Forest.
In order to get registration, the variety should be found distinct,uniform and stabil after the examinations are carried out by the authority.
The term of a registered plant variety is 25 years. This term is 30 years for trees, potatoes and grape.
A plant variety should be renewed every year after registration.